second banana

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you sell bananas?
No, sorry! We are a web-app that connect adults through mutual sexual interests.

What’s everyone using Second Banana for?
To get laid, obviously.

Is Second Banana for me?
Yes! Second Banana is for all adults.

I Don’t live in North America, can I still use Second Banana?
Oui. Sí. Ja. Да. نعم. 是的. Second Banana is for all adults on planet Earth.

Do I need to register to use Second Banana?
Yes, but it’s very quick and simple. You’ll need a working email address and a phone number. You will then choose a username and a password.

Am I required to post?
Although we highly encourage posting, you are not required to post. You can simply browse posts by other users.

Can people find my profile if I don’t post anything?
No. Second Banana is post-based. If you don’t post anything, other users won’t be able to see your profile and they won’t be able to message you unless you message them first. If you message someone through a post, they will be able to click on your username and see your profile.

How do I edit my profile?
Simply click the yellow smiley face in the top-right corner and then click on “Profile”. The more complete your profile is, the more likely you’ll find someone with similar sexual interests.

Are my albums public?
That is up to you. You can either make them public or private. You can unlock a private album when the person you’re messaging with sends you a request. You can lock a private album any time you choose.

What’s “My Sexual Identities” in my profile?
Your sexual identity is who you are sexually behind closed doors and what you’re interested in, sexually. Choose the tags that best describe your own sexual identity and your sexual interests. These tags will show on your profile and at the bottom of your posts in order to help other users find your posts.

How do I make a post?
Click on the “+” icon in the top-centre.

Will my post be public?
All your posts will be visible to all Second Banana users. If someone isn’t registered on Second Banana, they will not be able to see your post.

Am I allowed to attach my nudes to my post?
Absolutely! Second Banana is an 18+ NSFW web-app. You can attach photos or videos of your face, your body or no photos at all - it is completely up to you.

How will I know if someone is interested in me?
If someone is interested in your post, they will send you a message. As simple as that.

How do I tailor the posts I see to make sure I get exactly what I’m looking for?
Use the yellow filter button on the top-right of the posts on the home page. You can use this filter to narrow down your search.

What’s the purpose of the filter?
When you use the filter, you will only see the posts that you’re looking for and are looking for you!

What posts do I see if I don’t use the filter?
If you don’t filter the posts, you will see all posts by all Second Banana users - even those not necessarily looking for you.

If I favourite a post, will they get notified?
When you “Star” a post, they will get an email notification that someone has favourited their post but they won’t know who it is. Your username or any personal information will not show up in the email.

Is it safe to meet the person I’m chatting with?
Just like all other dating and social media apps, we recommend meeting the person you’re chatting with daytime and at a public space.

Do I need to meet anyone?
Absolutely not. Although we encourage IRL encounters, we have a “Chat Only” tag so you can let other users know that you lean more virtual.

How do I report a post?
Each post has an ellipsis. Click on the ellipsis to report a post.

How do I delete my account?
Click on “Profile”, scroll down and hit “Delete My Account”.

Why is there a hold on my account?
If you violate the Terms & Conditions of Second Banana, we will put you on a time out and suspend your account. This can be temporary or permanent. The rules are meant to protect our users, and that’s something we take very seriously.